General Meeting

SAA Inaugural General Meeting – 24th May 2023


Thank you to our members and guests who attended our inaugural SAA General Meeting on 24th May 2023.

What an exciting day for us as we launched our national association for the scaffolding industry!

Our Chairman and Managing Director, Robert Thiess, shared a wonderful introduction and welcome message which can be read here.

We had some wonderful guest speakers present on industry topics and issues;

  • Bradley Geinitz from the Office of Industry Relations (WHSQ) – Silica Dust Code Awareness session
  • Keith Archer from ScaffM8 – A new and exciting platform for the scaffolding industry!
  • Glenn Hanna from Clarity Insurance – An update on the SAA Group Insurance scheme
  • Matthew, Drew and Daniel Eade from Sitemax – The experts in debris containment, encapsulation products & temporary signage
  • Erryn O’Brien from SAA – SAA launch, website, Members Area, strategic plan and goals

Our video presentation from the day can be found on our Education page for full members to view. Full members can also find the General Meeting Report in the Members Area that has copies of the speakers presentations that you can download.

Please note that we broadcast all of our meetings live in the SAA Members Only Group for members who are unable to be physically present on the day. Members are able to watch the meeting live and participate by asking questions, leaving comments etc.

Interested in joining us? Click here for more info. 

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