
Step Height Clause Commencement – 1st July 2022

Scaffold stairs are typically 1.5m vertically in height and when constructed for a scaffold with 2m lift heights, can create an issue with the final step height from the scaffold stair on to the working platform Step heights

Scaffold stairs are typically 1.5m vertically in height and when constructed for a scaffold with 2m lift heights, can create an issue with the final step height from the scaffold stair on to the working platform, and the step from the stair to the ground, being approximately 500mm. The use of scaffold stairs that have a height of 2m or reconfiguring the scaffold can address this issue. The step heights and goings in a scaffold stair system should be consistent within straight run of steps between landings. Where there is a change in direction between landings, any difference in step height from the scaffold stair to an access or egress point should be minimised so that it is no more than 300mm.

SAQ Member Alert from June 2022

As you know, the Scaffolding Code of Practice 2021 commenced on 1st July 2021, with the exception of section which had a delayed commencement.

The SAQ Committee reminds all of our members that section Step Heights is due to commence on 1st July 2022. 

Section applies to stand-alone scaffolding where erection commences 12 months after 1 July 2021.

The new recommendation is that the step height from the scaffold stair module on to the working platform should be minimised so that it is no more than 300 millimetres. This only applies where there is a change in direction between landings.

Scaffold stairs modules are typically 1.5 metres vertically in height on scaffolds which usually have 2 metre lift heights. This creates an issue with the final step height from the scaffold stair, onto the working platform being approximately 500 millimetres.

This creates a significant risk of a slip, trip or fall hazard especially as workers may be turning and bending to access the work platform from the scaffold stair while carrying tools and equipment.

A cost-effective way for industry to meet this new requirement involves replacing existing 1.5 metre stair modules with 2-metre modules.

Alternatively, we know that members have come up with their own solutions to this section using current scaffolding components.

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