Description of Project
The Usher Group were tasked with a challenging project in extremely difficult conditions. Their client Plexxcon required 3,000 square meters of hanging deck in the Visy Recycling plant to conduct truss maintenance.
Temperatures in the working area often reached 50 degrees Celsius putting their installers at significant risk of exposure. They were very mindful that working in very hot environments could cause serious health problems ranging from heat stress and even lead to heat stroke.
Brand Energy and Infrastructure supplied the Usher Group with the “QuikDeck” suspended Access System which meant they could install a platform 50% faster than conventional suspended scaffolding. Their goal was to reduce the time in which their team had to operate in these conditions, QuikDeck was the most efficient and effective solution to their problem.
As QuikDeck has only recently been released into the market, the Usher Group flew out an expert from the Netherlands to train and assist the Usher team with constructing the scaffold correctly during the initial first stage build. The outcome was an outstanding success. They minimised the risk to their team and erected the platform in half the time.
What a fantastic entry to our Project of the Year comp!