If you see unsafe or non-compliant scaffolding and would like a regulator to attend and inspect, please fill out the form on our website and we will lodge this report with the appropriate regulator.
Please include as much detail as you can including the Site Address, Builder and Scaffolding company (if known), and complete the form by ticking the appropriate boxes or filling in the details in the text box provided.
You will need to include your name and contact details in case we need to follow up with you, however, you can be assured that this information will remain confidential between yourself and the SAA.
The SAA will follow through with all reports made via this form and we will report findings (anonymously) at our General Meetings. We will also use the information submitted to continue to educate our members and industry on compliance with scaffolding standards and codes.
Please note: If you see a scaffold structure that you consider has a risk potential for serious injury, please report this immediately to the PCBU/Builder/Workers on site, then report to the SAA secondly.