Full MemberQueenslandScaffold Erector

Fast Scaff

Bobby Wehrman
0419 763 026
Business Hours:
Open 24/7
Business Address:
17 Barkly Highway, Miles End, Qld, 4825
Postal Address:
PO Box 1983, Mount Isa, Qld, 4825
Commercial Scaffolding, Aluminium Mobiles, Industrial Scaffolding, Shutdown Maintenance, Steel Scaffolding Systems, Hung and Cantilever Scaffolding, Scaffolding Hire and Sale, Labour Subcontracting, Temporary Fencing

Established in 2005, Fast Scaff is a North West Queensland based, Indigenous-owned and operated scaffolding company. We specialise in fixed processing plant maintenance for the mining and gas industry. Our team has an extensive history of facilitating major shut-downs, operating seven days a week. With our Head Office in Mount Isa, we employ the majority of our staff locally, with more than 50% Indigenous staff. We invest in training and developing our employees, which has flow-on benefits, and positively impacts the broader community of Mount Isa.

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