Benchmark Scaffolding 2024

Benchmark Scaffolding

Batman Bridge Stage 2

Installed November 2023 and dismantled February 2024, the stage 2 works for Batman Bridge, by Benchmark Scaffolding, saw the installation of scaffolding suspended 60m above the bridge deck from a custom fabricated grillage bolted into the top of the structure and using a helicopter to lift into position in three parts.

From there the scaffolding could then be suspended from the grillage beams and progressively lowered down and cantilevered to the unique design of the bridge mast.

Electric winches were used to lift and lower scaffolding materials from the 10kpa overhead gantry constructed over the road to ensure it could remain open throughout the works.

Two independent swing stages were later hung from the grillage after the top had been painted which had to be program and calibrated for all motors to operate at different speeds due to the angle the stage would climb/lower.

This was a rare and memorable project for all involved in both the stage 1 and stage 2 works.

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